Kolami 20: Giddyup Soldier

If you haven’t read Kolami 19: Mr Sinister [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 21: Dark of Night [click to link]


“To be a writer, you need to imagine the most ridiculous things. To be a good writer, you need to experience them”


Harmattan is finally here. Damn, I love this weather! Makes me dreamy. I’ve been waiting for the bugger since You Read Me [click to link]. A friend of mine would say, “Christmas is in the air!” I’m not a big fan of C’mas though (yea, I’m wacko like that), but we’ll talk about it some other time.

Anyways, dunno if it’s the change in the weather—Wind of Change, like my Senior Boarding House Master used to call it back at the Academy—but I think my creative juices are flowing again. Ok, I’m not sure about creative, but my juices are flowing (feel free to interpret that anyway you please).

Continue reading

Kolami 19: Mister Sinister

If you haven’t read Kolami 18: Chapter One [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 20: Giddyup Soldier [click to link]


What if you woke up one day and suddenly realised everything you ever knew was a lie?


Who is Mister Sinister?

The one who kissed the sister

And yet gave him a blister

On his tiny little sphincter Continue reading

Kolami 18: Chapter One

If you haven’t read Kolami 17: Once Upon pt 2 [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 19: Mister Sinister [click to link]


“It’s okay to read for the Story. But it’s a good idea to read for the Art”


Hey guys, I’m discontinuing the use of the Twitter account @theKolami [click to Like on facebook].

Like Kolami, I find it hard enough keeping up with what’s going on in my private life; let alone someone else’s. Sometimes I forget which is which. And I think it drains my phone battery a lot quicker too. Continue reading