2Kolami 4: Vagary

If you haven’t read 2Kolami 3: Reaction [click to link]

Ahead to 2Kolami 5: Egress [click to link]


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va·ga·ry (n) /ˈveɪg(ə)ri/ 1. An erratic, unpredictable or extravagant manifestation, action or notion. 2. An unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behaviour


That couldn’t possibly be right! Kolami’s mind screamed at him. He clearly remembered handing the jacket over to the doorman at Country Kitchen after taking Balogun’s phone out. Yet there was no doubt in his mind that it was the same one. It didn’t seem fair, or humanly possible for that matter, for anyone to own an identical pair of ugly corduroy jackets.

He had to be dreaming Continue reading

2Kolami 1: Paranoia

If you didn’t read Kolami 25: Sleep [click to link]

Ahead to 2Kolami 2: Existence [click to link]


So here I am driving down Road 1 and out of OAU campus. I’m heading downhill, looking at the school gate. I can’t wait to be back in my room with my cool new Havit headset and my pillows. My warm, furry friends. Maybe I’ll buy a bottle of wine to celebrate finally submitting my thesis. Something fruity. By myself.

Suddenly I become aware Continue reading

Kolami 7: Crash pt 1

If you haven’t read You Read Me [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 7: Crash pt 2 [click to link]


Kolami was having a beautiful dream. He was dreaming about war.

It hadn’t started out that way though. As a matter of fact, it had started out as an awful nightmare.

There were armoured tanks and bomber jets, and foot soldiers with all sorts of high-tech weapons, and Kolami had miraculously appeared in the middle of it all; gun in hand. Continue reading

Kolami 3: War Stories

If you haven’t read Not a Kolami Post 1 [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 4: Superhuman [click to link]


Kolami sat alone at a table in The Barn eating clumps of rice with some considerable effort. It was a few days since he’d had his pretty face rearranged by that brute, Tomiwa. Yet his brain still hurt every time he tried to think, or chew.

It had taken him a whole day to regain his senses. It was going to take a lot longer to put the pieces of his dignity back together. Hard to believe he’d gone from Nobody to the world’s greatest loser in one night; at his social début.

Continue reading

Not a Kolami Post 1

If you haven’t read Kolami 2: Party Animal pt 2 [click to link]

Ahead to Kolami 3: War Stories [click to link]


I know! I know! I’m sorry!

I was abducted by aliens! Fela says Hi.

I guess I have become the thing that I dread the most: One who raises your hopes and dashes them; just because they can. Like the creators of Gary Unmarried, and all other cool TV shows that went off the air prematurely.

A writer who doesn’t write.

But, just like you, I am the cockroach Continue reading

Kolami 2: Party Animal Pt 2

If you haven’t read Kolami 2: Party Animal pt 1 [click to link]

Ahead to Not a Kolami Post 1 [click to link]


It was not a stupid party. Far from it. For one thing, Tomiwa’s house was unbelievable. If the house was anything to go by, Kolami thought, then Bankole was screwed. Thank Heavens women aren’t impressed by those sorts of things.

Bankole poured drinks from the cooler and handed Kolami a cup, at the same time scanning the room for his girlfriend. There was a mass of people in the small space, and the dimmed lights made it difficult to see. Continue reading

My First Post

ImageAhead to Kolami 1: Blood and Tears [click to link]


Hey guys, I’ve decided to try my hand at telling a bunch of lies.

A Certain Wise Man once said:

‘Writing a work of fiction is like telling an elaborate lie. Every word could spell Doom.’

This is my first post, and I figured it should be just that. A first post to tell you about my impending posts. Boring, I know.

Anyways (I say that a lot, even though it’s bad English. Bad English is wrong English btw) Continue reading